Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1823
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
- Prerequisite
- Metals (A grade of C or better in two beginning 3D classes).
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA1113A-MA1113B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1523
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
- Prerequisite
- Beginning Digital Photography with a grade of C or better.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1213
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
- Prerequisite
- Beginning Drawing and Intermediate Drawing with a grade of C or better.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CTE83235
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- CTE172 Game Design
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU1203A - MU1203B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- $20.00 and Jazz band uniform
- Prerequisite
- Audition and concurrent enrollment in Fall band or a concert band.
This class is recommended for students who excel in Painting. Students who take this course should have a high level of motivation, diligence, commitment, and independence. Students will be encouraged to develop a personal direction or “voice” in their work. In addition to work created in class, students will be expected to work outside class time, participate in critiques and discussions, complete daily exercises to advance skills, maintain a sketch book, and mat their work for showings.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1403
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- .5
- Course Fee
- $30
- Prerequisite
- Beginning Painting with a grade of C or better.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A5310A - A5310B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- A5310A - A5310B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- AP Exam Fees
This course meets every day for 1 semester and every other day the other semester. Advanced Placement (AP) Biology is a rigorous and demanding course, which is the equivalent to a two-semester college introductory biology course. The key concepts and related content that define AP Biology are organized around the four Big Ideas, which encompass the core scientific principles, theories and processes governing living organisms and biological systems. The Big Ideas include evolution, cellular processes, genetics and information transfer, and interactions between biological systems. This laboratory-based course will emphasize science practices, which allow students to combine biology content with inquiry and reasoning skills. Students who successfully complete this course will be prepared for the AP Biology Examination and the study of advanced topics in subsequent college courses. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 8 college semester credits for General Biology.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC5210A - SC5210B - SC5210C
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1.5 AP Weighted Credit
- Course Fee
- $10.00
- Prerequisite
- Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA5105A - MA5105B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Pre-calculus
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA5110A - MA5110B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- AP Exam Fees: Suggested Calculator: Graphing Calculator (TI-83 or TI-84)
- Prerequisite
- Algebra 1, Geometry/Honors Geometry, Algebra 2/Honors Algebra 2, Honors Pre-Calc/Trig. or Pre-Calc/Trig, AP Calculus AB with teacher recommendation
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA5106C
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- .5 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Pre-calculus
This course meets every day for 1 semester and every other day the other semester.
AP Chemistry is a rigorous laboratory science course intended for students with a high level of interest in science. This college-level course is the equivalent of two semesters of General Chemistry, including labs. The course provides students with a fundamental understanding of matter and change, scientific measurements, atomic and molecular properties, molecular geometry and bonding, solution chemistry, properties of solutions, gas laws, acids and bases, chemical equilibrium, thermochemistry, electrochemistry, and chemical kinetics. Laboratory experiments are conducted in connection with most topics. A scientific calculator is required. This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement Chemistry Examination. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn up to 9 college semester credits for Chemistry Lectures and Labs.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Advanced Placement Chemistry
- Course Number
- SC5320A - SC5320B - SC5320C
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1.5
- Prerequisite
- Honors Chemistry, Algebra 2 (recommended)
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CTE5010A-CTE5010B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CTE5210A-CTE5210B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2
This laboratory science course provides students with the scientific concepts and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. The following themes provide the foundation for this course: Science is a process, energy conversions underlie all ecological processes, the Earth itself is one interconnected system, humans alter natural systems, environmental problems have a cultural and social context, and human survival depends on developing practices that result in sustainable systems. This course prepares students for the Environmental Science Advanced Placement Examination.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC5100A - SC5100B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1.0
- Course Fee
- $10.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology or Honors Biology, Algebra 1
Note: this course may be offered through SVVSD AGILE.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS5520A - SS5520B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- World Studies, U.S. History, and Teacher Recommendation
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- WL5199A - WL5100B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- AP Exam Fees
- Prerequisite
- French 3A and 3: French 4A and 4B or teacher recommendation
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS5935A-SS5935B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Teacher Recommendation
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- SS5830
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- (Spring)/.5 credit
- Course Fee
- AP Exam Fees
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS5830 - SS5831
- Course Duration
- 2 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- SS5831
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- (Fall)/.5 credit
- Course Fee
- AP Exam Fees
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU5105A - MU5105B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Course Fee
- $20.00
- Prerequisite
- Teacher Recommendation
This course is the equivalent of a first-semester college course in algebra-based physics and is taught over a full academic year. This course covers Newtonian mechanics, which includes: kinematics, dynamics, rotational and angular motion, energy (and its relationship to work and power), and motion of fluids. Students will develop a deep conceptual understanding of the content by focusing on applying their knowledge through inquiry-based labs, in-depth explorations of topics, and through the development and interpretation of conceptual models. Student investigations will foster engagement in the practices of science through experimenting, analyzing, making claims and arguments, and solving problems in a collaborative setting where students direct and monitor their progress. This course prepares students for success in the AP Physics 1 Exam, and in subsequent college-level physics courses. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 5 college semester credits for College Physics I.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC5432A - SC5432B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Course Fee
- $10.00
- Prerequisite
- Chemistry or Honors Chemistry, Algebra 2 (with grade of C or better)
This course is the equivalent of a second-semester college course in algebra-based physics and is taught over a full academic year. This is a continuation of AP Physics 1. This course covers studies of: thermodynamics (and its relationship with kinetic theory and PV diagrams), electromagnetism (electrostatics, circuits, magnetism, and electromagnetic induction), physical and geometric optics (with an additional study of sound waves and standing waves), and topics in modern physics. Students will develop a deep conceptual understanding of the content by focusing on applying their knowledge through inquiry-based labs, in-depth explorations of topics, and through the development and interpretation of conceptual models. Student investigations will foster engagement in the practices of science through experimenting, analyzing, making claims and arguments, and solving problems in a collaborative setting where students direct and monitor their progress. This course prepares students for success on the AP Physics 2 Exam, and in subsequent college-level physics courses. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 5 college semester credits for College Physics II.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 12
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC5433A - SC5433B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Course Fee
- $10.00
- Prerequisite
- AP Physics 1 (with a grade of C or better)
Course Information
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA5005A - MA5005B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credi
- Prerequisite
- Algebra 2/Teacher recommendation
This course is recommended for students who excel in the social sciences, general academics, and are motivated to academic rigor. The purpose of AP Psychology is to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of behavior and mental process. Students examine all seven perspectives in psychology: Psychodynamic, Cognitive, Behavioral, Social-Cultural, Humanistic, Biological and Evolutionary. Course evaluation is based on class participation, assessments, notecards and homework. Additionally, students are expected to read material outside of class. This course prepares students to take the Advanced Placement Psychology Exam. This class may be eligible for CU Succeed credit, Psych 1000 in the fall and Psych 1005 in the spring, a total of 6 credits.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS5725A - SS5725B
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
AP Research, the second course in the AP Capstone experience, allows students to deeply explore an academic topic, problem, issue, or idea of individual interest. Students design, plan, and implement a yearlong investigation to address a research question. Through this inquiry, they further the skills they acquired in the AP Seminar course by learning research methodology, employing ethical research practices, and accessing, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Students reflect on their skill development, document their processes, and curate the artifacts of their scholarly work through a process and reflection portfolio. The course culminates in an academic paper of 4,000-5,000 words (accompanied by a performance, exhibit, or product where applicable) and a presentation with an oral defense.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA5310A-LA5310B
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- AP Seminar and a score on AP Seminar Exam
AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Using an inquiry framework, students practice reading and analyzing articles, research studies, and foundational, literary, and philosophical texts; listening to and viewing speeches, broadcasts, and personal accounts; and experiencing artistic works and performances. Students learn to synthesize information from multiple sources, develop their own perspectives in written essays, and design and deliver oral and visual presentations, both individually and as part of a team. Ultimately, the course aims to equip students with the power to analyze and evaluate information with accuracy and precision in order to craft and communicate evidence-based arguments.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- MS5205-MS5205B
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Successful completion of English 9 or 9H
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- World Languages
- Course Number
- WL5210A - WL5210B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- Spanish Language Fluency or Spanish 4
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA5215A - MA5215B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Algebra 2
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A5110A - A5110B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Course Fee
- $55.00
- Prerequisite
- Beginning & Advanced Drawing / Painting (or two equivalent foundations courses), Advanced level, two-dimensional art course and teacher signature.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS5310A - SS5310B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Teacher Recommendation
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS5205A –SS5205B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Honors or AP US History and/or Honors 10th Grade English
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1543
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
- Prerequisite
- Video Production
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Advanced Theater
- Course Number
- PA1203
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $0.00
- Prerequisite
- Theater Basic
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1120
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- A passing grade in Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Aide Teacher
- Course Number
- MS1206
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.25
- Course Fee
- $0.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA1110A - MA1110B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA1410A - MA1410B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- Geometry or Honors Geometry
This academically rigorous honors level elective laboratory science course will build on concepts learned in biology and chemistry. It will focus specifically on human anatomy and physiology. Emphasis will also be placed on healthcare careers. Through problem-based learning, students will learn how the structures (anatomy) of the human body fit their function (physiology) to maintain homeostasis. The different human body systems are taught along with types of tissues and anatomical terminology.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- SC2150A - SC2150B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology and Chemistry
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC2150A - SC2150B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology and Chemistry
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- SC2125
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology or Honors Biology, can be taken concurrently with Physics
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC2125
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- .5 Credit
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology or Honors Biology, can be taken concurrently with Physics
Advanced Placement Language and Composition is a rigorous year-long elective class offered to juniors and seniors. This course provides a challenging environment for the advanced student who strives to go beyond competence to mastery. The focus of the class—as specified by the College Board—is on rhetoric (“the art of crafting effective texts for specific audiences” ) and style (“the unique adaptation of language to ideas”). Its purpose is twofold: to prepare students for any and all writing they will encounter in the academic and professional environments, and to prepare them for the AP Language exam in the spring. In general, readings are non-fiction. Students apply their understanding of concepts through analysis of others’ writing and through production of their own exploratory and formal compositions.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA5100A - LA5100B
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Completion of Honors English 10, English 10, or AP Seminar
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 12
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA5410A - LA5410B
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1 AP Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Completion of AP Language and Composition or CP English 11
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CS1230A
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Introduction to Programming I
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Assistant Special Education
- Course Number
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $0.00
- Prerequisite
- : Special Education Teacher Approval/Good Attendance Record 2.5 Cumulative GPA
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Assistant Teacher Elementary/Middle School Education
- Course Number
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $0.00
- Prerequisite
- Teacher' s Approval/Good Attendance Record/At least 2.5 Cumulative GPA
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1101
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1521
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1211
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1301
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1401
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU2211
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $20.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1601
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU 1421
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $20.00 and performance attire
- Prerequisite
- Ability to read music
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU2020A - MU2020B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- $20.00 and Bel Canto uniform
- Prerequisite
- Audition Only
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1125
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- A passing grade in Adventure Bound and/or meet prerequisite safety skills and techniques needed for Top Rope Climbing, must be confirmed prior to registration via instructor
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC1120A - SC1120B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- $5.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU1102
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $20.00
- Prerequisite
- Audition Only
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Business
- Course Number
- CTE 9015
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10
- Course Subject
- Business
- Course Number
- CTE9112
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Principles of Business
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 12
- Course Subject
- Business
- Course Number
- CTE 9050
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- Principles of Business, Business Economics, Principles of Marketing, and Principles of Finance
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Business
- Course Number
- CTE 9116
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- Principles of Business, Business Economics, Principles of Marketing, Principles of Finance, and Principles of Managemen
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU2035A - MU2035B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- $20.00 and Chambers uniform
- Prerequisite
- Audition only. Concurrent enrollment in Bel Canto or Orpheus is required.
This laboratory science course is designed for students who plan to pursue either non-science or science-related careers. Students study matter, change and energy, scientific measurement, problem solving, chemical names and formulas, chemical quantities, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, states of matter, behavior of gasses, atomic structure, chemical periodicity, ionic and covalent bonds, water and aqueous systems, properties of solutions, reaction rates and equilibrium, acids and bases and their salts. Students will engage in a variety of learning activities including labs, hands-on activities, discussions, lectures, and videos.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC1130A - SC1130B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1.0
- Course Fee
- $5
- Prerequisite
- Biology, Algebra 1
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU1104
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $50.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1830
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
An advanced and rigorous college preparatory survey of American Literature, this course concentrates on the thorough analysis of American fiction, poetry and nonfiction. Building on skills and strategies introduced in 9th and 10th grade, students will use increasingly sophisticated reading strategies and writing conventions to read and analyze literary selections, to write papers, and to compose timed essays. This advanced course requires students to practice research techniques through various formative assignments and to prepare at least one full-length research paper.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA1131A -LA1131B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- Honors English 10 or English 10
This course is highly recommended for students preparing to continue their education in college. The intent is to prepare students to demonstrate the writing, literacy, and critical thinking skills that will be demanded of them in college. The rigorous course emphasizes the study of world literature within its cultural context, independent readings, literary analysis, research, and language study (grammar). Students will be expected to read the material outside of class, to participate actively in class discussions, to complete daily assignments or overnight responses, to take examinations, to complete college-type papers, and to do independent work. During the second semester of this course, students will produce a college-level research project.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 12
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA1141A– LA1141B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- CP English 11 or AP Language and Composition
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS1333A - SS1333B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 Credit
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1701
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA2106
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Debate/Forensics
- Course Number
- PA3020A - PA3020B
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $120.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CS1322
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Introduction to Engineering, Algebra 1 (passed with a C)
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CS1323
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Digital Electronics II
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- CTE9450
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CS1321
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Introduction to Engineering
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA1120A - LA1120B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- Honors English 9 or English 9
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA1110A - LA1110B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU1101A
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $20.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1105
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1110
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- A passing grade in Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I (Upperclassmen)
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- SC2140
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology and Chemistry (10th grade MBSA students may take this course concurrently with Honors Chemistry)
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC2140
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- .5 Credit
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology and Chemistry, can be taken concurrently with Physics
Emphasizes the planning, writing, and revising of compositions, including the development of critical and logical thinking skills. This course includes a wide variety of compositions that stress analytical, evaluative, and persuasive/argumentative writing.
*This course is a Concurrent Enrollment (CE) course through FRCC and is 3 college credits. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category.
*Additional steps required for the student to complete in order to sign up for the CE FRCC credit
*Students that have a 504 or IEP, are entitled to FRCC accommodations with no further steps to be taken. If a student needs accommodations above and beyond the standard FRCC accommodations, the student will need to complete an intake appointment with FRCC Disability Support Services.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 12
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- PS5501
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- .5
- Prerequisite
- English 11 or higher
Expands and refines the objectives of English Composition I. Emphasizes critical/logical thinking and reading, problem definition, research strategies, and writing analytical, evaluative, and/or argumentative compositions.
*This course is a Concurrent Enrollment (CE) course through FRCC and is 3 college credits. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO2 category.
*Additional steps required for the student to complete in order to sign up for the CE FRCC credit.
*Students that have a 504 or IEP, are entitled to FRCC accommodations with no further steps to be taken. If a student needs accommodations above and beyond the standard FRCC
accommodations, the student will need to complete an intake appointment with FRCC Disability Support Services.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 12
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- PS5502
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- .5
- Prerequisite
- FRC ENG 1021 English Comp I
Focuses on a variety of functions and the exploration of their graphs. Topics include: equations and inequalities, operations on functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, linear and non-linear systems, and an introduction to conic sections. This course provides essential skills for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
*This course is a Concurrent Enrollment (CE) course through FRCC and is 3 college credits. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category.
*Additional steps required for the student to complete in order to sign up for the CE FRCC credit
*Students that have a 504 or IEP, are entitled to FRCC accommodations with no further steps to be taken. If a student needs accommodations above and beyond the standard FRCC accommodations, the student will need to complete an intake appointment with FRCC Disability Support Services.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- PS4621
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- .5
- Prerequisite
- Algebra 2, Trig
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- World Languages
- Course Number
- WL1101A - WL1101B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- World Languages
- Course Number
- WL1102A - WL1102B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- French 1
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- World Languages
- Course Number
- WL1103A - WL1103B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- French 2
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 12
- Course Subject
- World Languages
- Course Number
- WL1104A - WL1104B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- French 3
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- WL1104A - WL1104B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- AP Exam Fees
- Prerequisite
- French 3A and 3B
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA1210A - MA1210B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- Accelerated Algebra 1 or Algebra 1
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU2201
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $20.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- Health
- Course Number
- H1100
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $0.00
- Prerequisite
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1100
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA1412A - MA1412B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- Honors Geometry
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC1121A - SC1121B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- $5.00
This rigorous laboratory science course is designed for students who excel in science and are college-bound. Students study matter, change and energy, scientific measurement, problem solving, chemical names and formulas, chemical quantities, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, states of matter, behavior of gases, atomic structure, chemical periodicity, ionic and covalent bonds, water and aqueous systems, properties of solutions, reaction rates and equilibrium, acids and bases and their salts. Students will engage in a variety of learning activities including labs, hands-on activities, discussions, lectures, and videos. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 4 college semester credits.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC1135A - SC1135B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1.0
- Course Fee
- $5
- Prerequisite
- Honors Biology, Algebra 1
A comprehensive study of language arts, this rigorous course concentrates instruction on the thorough analysis of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. Building on strategies introduced in 9th grade, students will use increasingly sophisticated reading strategies and writing conventions to read literary selections, to write papers, and to compose timed essays. In addition to being taught at a faster pace than regular English 10, this course places a very strong emphasis on literary analysis in order to prepare students for future honors English classes, and, ultimately, for advanced study of English literature and language. A year-long vocabulary program will help students prepare for the PSAT and SAT tests. Students will also read one or two independent novels to which they will respond in depth. Good work habits and regular homework are essential parts of this course.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA1121A - LA1121B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 Honors Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Honors English 9 or English 9
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA1111A - LA1111B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 Honors Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- A grade of B or better in Middle School LA and Middle School Teacher Recommendation
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA1213A - MA1213B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semester
- Course Credit
- 1 Honors Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Accelerated Algebra 1
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS1221A - SS1221B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 Honors Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Teacher recommendation
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS1111A - SS1111B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1 Honors Weighted Credit
- Prerequisite
- Teacher Recommendation
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Independent Studies
- Course Number
- Course Duration
- 60 hours contact time in the teacher’s classroom
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- Varies depending course
- Prerequisite
- Application Process, Principal and Instructor Approval
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Mathematics
- Course Number
- MA1310A-MA1310B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Prerequisite
- Geometry
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Art
- Course Number
- A1212
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $30.00
- Prerequisite
- Beginning
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU1202A - MU1202B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- $20.00 and Jazz band uniform
- Prerequisite
- Concurrent enrollment in Fall band or a concert band (White/Blue Band).
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CTE83220
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- SC1155
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology/Honors Biology and Chemistry/Honors Chemistry (10th grade MBSA students may take this course concurrently with Honors Chemistry)
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC1155
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- .5 Credit
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology/Honors Biology and Chemistry/Honors Chemistry
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CS1204
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Currently taking or have completed Algebra 1 or Accelerated Algebra 1; Preferably Introduction to Programming I
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CS1120
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CTE83230
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- : Introduction to Computing I or Introduction to Programming I
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- MS2210
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- Accepted into the Medical and BioScience Academy
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CTE2110
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Computer Science
- Course Number
- CTE83205
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Introduction to Engineering
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1140
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1131
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1132
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- Ironworks I and Teacher/Coach approval
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9
- Course Subject
- Business
- Course Number
- CTE9105
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Library Assistant Aide
- Course Number
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $0.00
- Prerequisite
- Application process
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1163
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU1008
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $50.00
- Prerequisite
- no
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU1411A - MU1411B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $20.00
- Prerequisite
- , but music experience is strongly encouraged
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- MS2199
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- Teacher Recommendation; MBSA Students Only
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- SC2210
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- Application & Interview Process, MBSA Students Only
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- English
- Course Number
- LA2010
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1145
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Course Number
- SC2130
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology/Honors Biology and Chemistry/Honors Chemistry (10th grade MBSA students may take this course concurrently with Honors Chemistry)
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC2130
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Biology/Honors Biology and Chemistry/Honors Chemistry
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Music
- Course Number
- MU2070A - MU2070B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- $20.00 and Orpheus uniform
- Prerequisite
- Audition Only
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS1440
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Science
- Course Number
- SC1140A - SC1140B
- Course Duration
- 2 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 1
- Course Fee
- $5.00
- Prerequisite
- Geometry
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10
- Course Subject
- Business
- Course Number
- CTE9110
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Enrollment in High School of Business; Teacher approval
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Business
- Course Number
- CTE9114
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Principles of Business, Business Economics, and Principles of Marketing
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 12
- Course Subject
- Business
- Course Number
- CTE 9115
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
- Prerequisite
- Principles of Business. Business Economics, Principles of Marketing, and Principles of Finance
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Business
- Course Number
- CTE9113
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Course Fee
- $15.00
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Social Studies
- Course Number
- SS2120
- Course Duration
- 1 Semesters
- Course Credit
- 0.5
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 11
- Course Subject
- Reading Fundamentals/ Seminar
- Course Number
- 10
- Course Duration
- 12"
- Course Credit
- 1 Semester each
- Course Fee
- Teacher Placement Only
- Prerequisite
- 1
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Physical Education
- Course Number
- PE1165
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- 0.5
- Prerequisite
- Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I
Teaches students how to use social media as a business strategy and covers how to match that strategy with the goals of the business. This course addresses current trends, ethics, regulations, legal challenges, strategy, content development, and change management. This course helps students develop a better understanding of how marketing with social media is similar to and different from traditional marketing and how to best use online methods to further business goals.
Course Information
- Grade Level
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Course Subject
- Business
- Course Number
- CTE9079
- Course Duration
- 1 Semester
- Course Credit
- .5