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3D Design Advanced

This course is a place for student artists to explore different mediums in the 3D realm. Students who take this course should have a high level of motivation, diligence, commitment, and independence. Students will be encouraged to develop a personal direction or “voice” in their work. In addition to work created in class, students will be expected to participate in critiques and discussions, complete daily exercises to advance skills, and prepare their art work for showing.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Metals (A grade of C or better in two beginning 3D classes).
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Accelerated Algebra 1

Accelerated Algebra 1 focuses on four critical areas in greater depth: (1) using units and relationships between quantities; (2) reasoning with equations and expressions; (3) analyzing and using linear, exponential, and quadratic functions; and (4) interpreting and displaying data using descriptive statistics. Students also have the opportunity to study absolute value inequalities, parallel and perpendicular lines, matrices to solve systems of equations, combinations and permutations, and rational expressions. Accelerated Algebra 1 is intended for students who took Algebra 1 in middle school and need further concept reinforcement.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
2 Semester
Course Credit
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Advanced Digital Photography

Advanced Digital Photography is designed to advance art skills and thought processes in preparation for Studio Photography of AP Studio Art. Students will continue to examine the principles of design and elements of art while using various digital art programs and technologies to explore design opportunities with cameras and computers. This course continues to foster an understanding of artists and art history, as well as writing and discussing art making on a regular basis. To complete this course students will create a final portfolio.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Beginning Digital Photography with a grade of C or better.
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Advanced Drawing

This class is recommended for students who excel in Drawing. Students who take this course should have a high level of motivation, diligence, commitment, and independence. Students will be encouraged to develop a personal direction or “creative voice” in their work. In addition to work created in class, students will be expected to work outside class time, participate in critiques and discussions, complete daily exercises to advance skills, maintain a sketch book, and mat their work for showings.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Beginning Drawing and Intermediate Drawing with a grade of C or better.
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Advanced Game Design

Advanced Game Design continues to build complex problem-solving techniques with computer game design and implementation to advance the students to more advanced gaming and computer science concepts. Students design, implement, and test computer games using software that allows for game creation through a wide variety of game creation tools.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
CTE172 Game Design
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Advanced Jazz Band (The Rhythmaires)

Also known as, “The Rhythmaires,” the advanced jazz ensemble is a performance- oriented class, and students will be required to attend all rehearsals and performances. It is required to be registered for Fall band and either Blue or White band to be a member of the Advanced Jazz Ensemble. Students will learn several jazz styles from Dixieland on up to today’s modern jazz styles. The art of improvisation will be explored with an emphasis on every student being able to perform a solo. There will be several performances throughout the year, and may include participation in local and/or national jazz festivals. This course may be repeated for credit.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MU1203A - MU1203B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
$20.00 and Jazz band uniform
Audition and concurrent enrollment in Fall band or a concert band.
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Advanced Mariachi

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Advanced Mariachi
Course Number
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Audition only
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Advanced Painting

This class is recommended for students who excel in Painting. Students who take this course should have a high level of motivation, diligence, commitment, and independence. Students will be encouraged to develop a personal direction or “voice” in their work. In addition to work created in class, students will be expected to work outside class time, participate in critiques and discussions, complete daily exercises to advance skills, maintain a sketch book, and mat their work for showings.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Beginning Painting with a grade of C or better.
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Advanced Placement Art History

This class is available remotely. Explore the history of art across the globe from prehistory to the present. You’ll analyze works of art through observation, discussion, reading, and research. You learn how to evaluate works of art from different eras and cultures, see connections to artistic traditions, styles, or practices in a work of art, develop a theory about the meaning of a work of art and explaining and supporting your interpretation.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
A5310A - A5310B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
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Advanced Placement Art History

Students also have the opportunity to study sequences and series, vectors, limits, and derivatives as an introduction to calculus. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 7 semester hours of university credit.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
A5310A - A5310B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
AP Exam Fees
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Advanced Placement Biology

This course meets every day for 1 semester and every other day the other semester. Advanced Placement (AP) Biology is a rigorous and demanding course, which is the equivalent to a two-semester college introductory biology course. The key concepts and related content that define AP Biology are organized around the four Big Ideas, which encompass the core scientific principles, theories and processes governing living organisms and biological systems. The Big Ideas include evolution, cellular processes, genetics and information transfer, and interactions between biological systems. This laboratory-based course will emphasize science practices, which allow students to combine biology content with inquiry and reasoning skills. Students who successfully complete this course will be prepared for the AP Biology Examination and the study of advanced topics in subsequent college courses. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 8 college semester credits for General Biology.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
SC5210A - SC5210B - SC5210C
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1.5 AP Weighted Credit
Course Fee
Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry
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Advanced Placement Calculus AB

This course is designed for college bound students. This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement AB Test. Topics include limits and their properties, differentiation rules and instantaneous rate of change, antiderivatives and indefinite integration. The types of functions studied in the course include algebraic, rational, trigonometric and exponential functions. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 4 semester hours of university credit.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MA5105A - MA5105B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
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Advanced Placement Calculus BC

AP Calculus BC is designed for students intending to study mathematics, engineering, or the hard sciences in college. The course includes all the topics of AP Calculus AB plus series (power, Taylor, Maclaurin), convergence testing, partial fractions, improper integrals, differentiation and integration of parametric and vector relations. Students will be expected to complete all daily assignments and perform satisfactorily on examinations. Emphasis is on preparation for the AP Exam. Estimated homework time of one hour for every one hour of class time plus additional time for AP preparation

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MA5110A - MA5110B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
AP Exam Fees: Suggested Calculator: Graphing Calculator (TI-83 or TI-84)
Algebra 1, Geometry/Honors Geometry, Algebra 2/Honors Algebra 2, Honors Pre-Calc/Trig. or Pre-Calc/Trig, AP Calculus AB with teacher recommendation
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Advanced Placement Calculus Lab AB

Calculus Lab is designed to be taken concurrently with Advanced Placement Calculus AB during the first or second semester. This course will supplement the existing Advanced Placement Calculus AB course. Real world applications using derivatives and integrals will be a major focus of this course.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
.5 AP Weighted Credit
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Advanced Placement Chemistry

This course meets every day for 1 semester and every other day the other semester.

AP Chemistry is a rigorous laboratory science course intended for students with a high level of interest in science. This college-level course is the equivalent of two semesters of General Chemistry, including labs. The course provides students with a fundamental understanding of matter and change, scientific measurements, atomic and molecular properties, molecular geometry and bonding, solution chemistry, properties of solutions, gas laws, acids and bases, chemical equilibrium, thermochemistry, electrochemistry, and chemical kinetics. Laboratory experiments are conducted in connection with most topics. A scientific calculator is required. This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement Chemistry Examination. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn up to 9 college semester credits for Chemistry Lectures and Labs.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Advanced Placement Chemistry
Course Number
SC5320A - SC5320B - SC5320C
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Honors Chemistry, Algebra 2 (recommended)
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Advanced Placement Computer Science A

AP Computer Science A is equivalent to a first-semester, college level course in computer science. The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using Java language and prepares students to take the College Board AP Computer Science A examination.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Course Fee
Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2
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Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles

AP Computer Science Principles introduces you to the essential ideas of computer science with a focus on how computing can impact the world. Along with the fundamentals of computing, you will learn to analyze data, information, or knowledge represented for computational use; create technology that has a practical impact; and gain a broader under- standing of how computer science impacts people and society. The major areas of study in the AP Computer Science Principles course are organized around seven big ideas, which are essential to studying computer science: Creativity, Abstraction, Data and Information, Algorithms, Programming, the Internet, and Global Impact.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Course Fee
Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2
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Advanced Placement Environmental Science

This laboratory science course provides students with the scientific concepts and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. The following themes provide the foundation for this course: Science is a process, energy conversions underlie all ecological processes, the Earth itself is one interconnected system, humans alter natural systems, environmental problems have a cultural and social context, and human survival depends on developing practices that result in sustainable systems. This course prepares students for the Environmental Science Advanced Placement Examination.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
SC5100A - SC5100B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
Biology or Honors Biology, Algebra 1
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Advanced Placement European History

This course covers European History from 1450, the High Middle Ages and the Renaissance, to con- temporary events. Using debates, trials, investigative reports and other learning approaches, students examine people and issues – intellectual, artistic, political, social and economic – which shape our world today. This course prepares students for the European History Advanced Placement Examination. The completion of a summer assignment is required by all enrolling students. Students will be contacted prior to summer vacation.

Note: this course may be offered through SVVSD AGILE.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
SS5520A - SS5520B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
World Studies, U.S. History, and Teacher Recommendation
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Advanced Placement French Language and Culture

AP French Language and Culture is equivalent to an intermediate level college course in French. Students cultivate their understanding of French language and culture by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations as they explore concepts related to family and community, personal and public identity, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, contemporary life, and global challenges

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
WL5199A - WL5100B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
AP Exam Fees
French 3A and 3: French 4A and 4B or teacher recommendation
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Advanced Placement Human Geography

Advanced Placement (AP) Human Geography introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth's surface. Students learn to employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human socioeconomic organization and its environmental consequences. They also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their research and applications. This course is a great place to start an AP track within the social studies department and/or a good place to start the AP experience. This course prepares students for the Human Geography Advanced Placement Examination. This course fulfills the social studies requirements for World History/Geography.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Teacher Recommendation
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Advanced Placement Macroeconomics*

AP Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are similar to a freshman level college course. The sequence is designed to give students a foundation in basic economic concepts that are essential to understanding consumer, business, and public policy decision making. Areas of study in microeconomics include the market forces of supply and demand, competition, business organization, and consumer behavior. Macroeconomics topics include measuring the health of a nation’s economy, international trade, and debate over the proper level of government interaction with the economy. In addition to providing essential knowledge for successful functioning in today’s challenging economic times, this course also prepares students for the Microeconomics and/or Macroeconomics Advanced Placement Examinations.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
(Spring)/.5 credit
Course Fee
AP Exam Fees
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Advanced Placement Micro- and Macro-Economics (AGILE)

AP Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are similar to a freshman level college course. The sequence is designed to give students a foundation in basic economic concepts that are essential to understanding consumer, business, and public policy decision making. Areas of study in microeconomics include the market forces of supply and demand, competition, business organization, and consumer behavior. Macroeconomics topics include measuring the health of a nation’s economy, international trade, and debate over the proper level of government interaction with the economy. In addition to providing essential knowledge for successful functioning in today’s challenging economic times, this course also prepares students for the Microeconomics and/or Macroeconomics Advanced Placement Examinations.AGILE stands for "Advanced Global Innovative Learning Environments". AGILE courses are offered virtually within the St. Vrain Valley School District. Students enrolled in these courses will report to LHS and login to a state of the art virtual learning system. The course is taught by a St. Vrain teacher at one of our high schools.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
SS5830 - SS5831
Course Duration
2 Semester
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
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Advanced Placement Microeconomics*

AP Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are similar to a freshman level college course. The sequence is designed to give students a foundation in basic economic concepts that are essential to understanding consumer, business, and public policy decision making. Areas of study in microeconomics include the market forces of supply and demand, competition, business organization, and consumer behavior. Macroeconomics topics include measuring the health of a nation’s economy, international trade, and debate over the proper level of government interaction with the economy. In addition to providing essential knowledge for successful functioning in today’s challenging economic times, this course also prepares students for the Microeconomics and/or Macroeconomics Advanced Placement Examinations.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
(Fall)/.5 credit
Course Fee
AP Exam Fees
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Advanced Placement Music Theory

This Advanced Placement class is for advanced music students, and will be offered concurrently with Music Theory A/B. In-depth instruction will be given in music notation, scales, tonality, keys, chord progressions, transitions, part writing, harmonic analysis, musical form, figured bass, composition, and ear training. This course prepares the student for the AP Music Theory exam in May

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MU5105A - MU5105B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Course Fee
Teacher Recommendation
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Advanced Placement Physics 1

This course is the equivalent of a first-semester college course in algebra-based physics and is taught over a full academic year. This course covers Newtonian mechanics, which includes: kinematics, dynamics, rotational and angular motion, energy (and its relationship to work and power), and motion of fluids. Students will develop a deep conceptual understanding of the content by focusing on applying their knowledge through inquiry-based labs, in-depth explorations of topics, and through the development and interpretation of conceptual models. Student investigations will foster engagement in the practices of science through experimenting, analyzing, making claims and arguments, and solving problems in a collaborative setting where students direct and monitor their progress. This course prepares students for success in the AP Physics 1 Exam, and in subsequent college-level physics courses. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 5 college semester credits for College Physics I.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
SC5432A - SC5432B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Course Fee
Chemistry or Honors Chemistry, Algebra 2 (with grade of C or better)
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Advanced Placement Physics 2

This course is the equivalent of a second-semester college course in algebra-based physics and is taught over a full academic year. This is a continuation of AP Physics 1. This course covers studies of: thermodynamics (and its relationship with kinetic theory and PV diagrams), electromagnetism (electrostatics, circuits, magnetism, and electromagnetic induction), physical and geometric optics (with an additional study of sound waves and standing waves), and topics in modern physics. Students will develop a deep conceptual understanding of the content by focusing on applying their knowledge through inquiry-based labs, in-depth explorations of topics, and through the development and interpretation of conceptual models. Student investigations will foster engagement in the practices of science through experimenting, analyzing, making claims and arguments, and solving problems in a collaborative setting where students direct and monitor their progress. This course prepares students for success on the AP Physics 2 Exam, and in subsequent college-level physics courses. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 5 college semester credits for College Physics II.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
SC5433A - SC5433B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Course Fee
AP Physics 1 (with a grade of C or better)
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Advanced Placement Precalculus

In AP Precalculus, students build deep mastery of modeling and functions. Students will explore Polynomial and Rational Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Trigonometric and Polar Functions, and Functions involving Parameters, Vectors, and Matrices. Successful completion of AP Precalculus will prepare students to enter AP Calculus or Calculus I at the collegiate level. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 4 semester hours of university credit.

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
MA5005A - MA5005B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credi
Algebra 2/Teacher recommendation
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Advanced Placement Psychology

This course is recommended for students who excel in the social sciences, general academics, and are motivated to academic rigor. The purpose of AP Psychology is to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of behavior and mental process. Students examine all seven perspectives in psychology: Psychodynamic, Cognitive, Behavioral, Social-Cultural, Humanistic, Biological and Evolutionary. Course evaluation is based on class participation, assessments, notecards and homework. Additionally, students are expected to read material outside of class. This course prepares students to take the Advanced Placement Psychology Exam. This class may be eligible for CU Succeed credit, Psych 1000 in the fall and Psych 1005 in the spring, a total of 6 credits.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
SS5725A - SS5725B
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
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Advanced Placement Research

AP Research, the second course in the AP Capstone experience, allows students to deeply explore an academic topic, problem, issue, or idea of individual interest. Students design, plan, and implement a yearlong investigation to address a research question. Through this inquiry, they further the skills they acquired in the AP Seminar course by learning research methodology, employing ethical research practices, and accessing, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Students reflect on their skill development, document their processes, and curate the artifacts of their scholarly work through a process and reflection portfolio. The course culminates in an academic paper of 4,000-5,000 words (accompanied by a performance, exhibit, or product where applicable) and a presentation with an oral defense.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
AP Seminar and a score on AP Seminar Exam
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Advanced Placement Seminar

AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Using an inquiry framework, students practice reading and analyzing articles, research studies, and foundational, literary, and philosophical texts; listening to and viewing speeches, broadcasts, and personal accounts; and experiencing artistic works and performances. Students learn to synthesize information from multiple sources, develop their own perspectives in written essays, and design and deliver oral and visual presentations, both individually and as part of a team. Ultimately, the course aims to equip students with the power to analyze and evaluate information with accuracy and precision in order to craft and communicate evidence-based arguments. 

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Successful completion of English 9 or 9H
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Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture

"The AP Spanish Language and Culture course engages students in an exploration of culture in both contemporary and historical contexts. The course develops students’ awareness and appreciation of products, both tangible (e.g., tools, books) and intangible (e.g., laws, conventions, institutions); practices (patterns of social interactions within a culture); and perspectives (values, attitudes, and assumptions that underlie both practices and products)." - The College Board. This course is taught exclusively in Spanish, and prepares students to take the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam in May. Students may earn up to 15 college credits upon successful completion of this course through the CLEP and AP test programs (number of credits depends on college/university policies).

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
World Languages
Course Number
WL5210A - WL5210B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Spanish Language Fluency or Spanish 4
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Advanced Placement Statistics

AP Statistics is an introductory college-level statistics course that introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students cultivate their understanding of statistics using technology, investigations, problem solving, and writing as they explore concepts like variation and distribution; patterns and uncertainty; and data-based predictions, decisions, and conclusions.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MA5215A - MA5215B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Algebra 2
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Advanced Placement Studio Art (2D)

This course is designed to be the equivalent of the general entry-level college art course. It is recommended for students who excel in various two-dimensional art techniques and media. Students who take this course should have a high level of motivation, diligence, commitment, and independence. In addition to the portfolio examination, students will be expected to create artwork outside of class time, participate in class critiques and discussions, complete daily exercises to develop skills, prepare slides, and mat their own work. Drawing from observation will be emphasized, and students will be encouraged to develop a personal direction in their work. To obtain college credit, students will prepare and submit an essay and portfolio with three sections: Quality (for which actual artwork is submitted); Concentration (an in-depth, individual exploration, sub- mitted as slides); and Breadth (demonstration of a wide range of experience, submitted as slides). This course prepares students for the Studio Art 2-D Advanced Placement Examination.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
A5110A - A5110B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Course Fee
Beginning & Advanced Drawing / Painting (or two equivalent foundations courses), Advanced level, two-dimensional art course and teacher signature.
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Advanced Placement United States History

This course requires vigorous listening, reading, writing, thinking and study skills with an average of one-hour study per hour of class. The course is designed to survey U. S. history. This course prepares students for the United States History Advanced Placement Examination worth six semester hours at colleges that accept AP credit. This course fulfills the social studies requirements for United States History.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
SS5310A - SS5310B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Teacher Recommendation
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Advanced Placement US Government and Politics

This course is an in-depth study of the American Political Systems, including philosophical foundations; linkage institutions; in-depth analysis of the three primary branches; heavy emphasis on constitutional law; and the application of these practices is domestic, foreign and economic policy. This course blends experiential learning modules and traditional collegiate learning systems requiring rigorous reading, writing, thinking and study skills, requiring at least one hour of homework per class. This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement Government and Politics Examination. This course fulfills the Social Studies requirements for Government and Economics in 11th grade, and can potentially fulfill collegiate Social Studies prerequisite requirements pending success passage of the exam.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
SS5205A –SS5205B
Course Duration
2 Semester
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Honors or AP US History and/or Honors 10th Grade English
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Advanced Studio Art: Digital Media

Students will address the theory and practice of film/video production. They will be expected to understand: camera operation, audio control, basic directing, lighting, and editing. Students will also be expected to learn the terminology of video pre-production, production, post-production and distribution. They will use this terminology competently to direct individual and group video shorts , using camcorders, DSLR cameras, Lavalier/handheld/boom microphones, lighting equipment, and edit footage in Final Cut to incorporate special effects, computer graphic overlays to enhance the final product. The video projects will be used for school-based and district-based events. They will develop a digital video portfolio for college and career placement.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Video Production
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Advanced Theater

This course is designed for the acting student that wants the challenge of higher level acting assignments. This class will focus on dramatic pieces, college level audition skills, and will culminate in a student-led one act. This class may be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Advanced Theater
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Theater Basic
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Adventure Bound

This class features a range of low to high level activities, initiatives and games emphasizing cooperation, problem solving, team building and trust. There will be an introduction to traversing followed by “Climber Primer” week and then indoor vertical climbing on the LHS 30 foot climbing wall. A Parent Permission form and Student Safety contract are required for participation.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
A passing grade in Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I
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Aide Teacher

There are opportunities for students to act as student aides and receive credit for that aiding. However, these opportunities must be arranged with the teacher or the clerical staff at the beginning of a semester. Students cannot pre-register for aiding positions. Students should register for a full schedule then, if an aiding position is available and approved, the student's schedule will be adjusted at the beginning of the appropriate semester. These opportunities include class- room teacher aide or office aide (this is a Pass/Fail course). This class may be repeated

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Aide Teacher
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Algebra 1

Algebra 1 focuses on four critical areas: (1) using units and relationships between quantities; (2) reasoning with equations and expressions; (3) analyzing and using linear, exponential, and quadratic functions; and (4) interpreting and displaying data using descriptive statistics. These concepts and associated skills are aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards for mathematics, incorporating 21st century skills and postsecondary and workforce readiness competencies.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11
Course Subject
Course Number
MA1110A - MA1110B
Course Duration
2 Semester
Course Credit
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Algebra 2

Algebra 2 focuses on three critical areas: (1) analyzing and using absolute value, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions; (2) exploring complex numbers and rational exponents; and (3) making statistical inferences from data and using the rules of probability. Algebra 2 is a foundational course for post-secondary mathematics, focusing on the relationship between tables, equations, and graphs of polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Along with these families of functions, statistics and probability are used for modeling phenomena and applying mathematics.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MA1410A - MA1410B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Geometry or Honors Geometry
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Anatomy & Physiology

This academically rigorous honors level elective laboratory science course will build on concepts learned in biology and chemistry. It will focus specifically on human anatomy and physiology. Emphasis will also be placed on healthcare careers. Through problem-based learning, students will learn how the structures (anatomy) of the human body fit their function (physiology) to maintain homeostasis. The different human body systems are taught along with types of tissues and anatomical terminology.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
SC2150A - SC2150B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
Biology and Chemistry
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Anatomy & Physiology

This academically rigorous honors level elective laboratory science course will build on concepts learned in biology and chemistry. It will focus specifically on human anatomy and physiology. Emphasis will also be placed on healthcare careers. Through problem-based learning, students will learn how the structures (anatomy) of the human body fit their function (physiology) to maintain homeostasis of the organism and continue the species. The different human body systems are taught along with types of tissues and anatomical terminology.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
SC2150A - SC2150B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
Biology and Chemistry
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Animal Behavior

This is an enrichment class for students who have completed the Biology prerequisite and wish to explore animal behavior. This class explores topics related to behavior including courtship, learning, nature vs. nurture, defenses, finding food, mating, parenting, social behavior, emotional intelligence and human impact on species. Students will make observations of invertebrate and vertebrate behavior in this laboratory science class through readings, labs, discussions, project-based learning, case studies, scientific journals and videos. Animals of focus include mammals (various primates) and birds.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Biology or Honors Biology, can be taken concurrently with Physics
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Animal Behavior

This is an enrichment class for students who have completed the Biology prerequisite and wish to explore animal behavior. This class explores topics related to behavior including courtship, learning, nature vs. nurture, defenses, finding food, mating, parenting, social behavior, emotional intelligence and human impact on species. Students will make observations of invertebrate and vertebrate behavior in this laboratory science class through readings, labs, discussions, project-based learning, case studies, scientific journals and videos. Animals of focus include mammals (various primates) and birds.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
.5 Credit
Course Fee
Biology or Honors Biology, can be taken concurrently with Physics
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AP English Language and Composition

Advanced Placement Language and Composition is a rigorous year-long elective class offered to juniors and seniors. This course provides a challenging environment for the advanced student who strives to go beyond competence to mastery. The focus of the class—as specified by the College Board—is on rhetoric (“the art of crafting effective texts for specific audiences” ) and style (“the unique adaptation of language to ideas”). Its purpose is twofold: to prepare students for any and all writing they will encounter in the academic and professional environments, and to prepare them for the AP Language exam in the spring. In general, readings are non-fiction. Students apply their understanding of concepts through analysis of others’ writing and through production of their own exploratory and formal compositions.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
LA5100A - LA5100B
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Completion of Honors English 10, English 10, or AP Seminar
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AP English Literature and Composition

This rigorous year-long course is recommended for interested students who are willing to engage in an intensive and challenging study of a writer’s structure, style, and themes. Literary study involves close and mature analysis through critically reading and writing about representative literature from various genres and periods. Students are expected to read outside of class, to participate actively in class discussions, to complete assignments, to take examinations, to complete papers, and to work independently. This course prepares students not only for the AP Literature and Composition examination, but also for any subsequent college and professional writing. Students may also choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program, earning up to 6 college credits for English 1400 (Introduction to Literary Studies) and English 1200 (Introduction to Fiction).

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
LA5410A - LA5410B
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
1 AP Weighted Credit
Completion of AP Language and Composition or CP English 11
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App Development II

Introduction to Programming II building on previous students experiences in software development. Students will build more intermediate programming techniques through a series of Javascript programming projects that encourage creativity and experimentation. Students create a diverse portfolio of projects as they learn, Graphical User Interface, modular and object-oriented programming, and events and event-driven processes.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Introduction to Programming I
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Assistant Special Education

Special Education Assistants will have a variety of responsibilities depending upon the teacher and block assigned. Students may assist the Special Education teacher and/or may be a direct assistant to a student who has special needs. Students will receive training to work with students with disabilities. Special Education Assistants must be mature, reliable, have a positive attitude, and be accepting of people with differences. Please see a Special Education teacher if you are interested in a position. National Honor Society students may receive community service hours in place of credit if preferred (this is a Pass/Fail course). This course may be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Assistant Special Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
: Special Education Teacher Approval/Good Attendance Record 2.5 Cumulative GPA
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Assistant Teacher Elementary/Middle School Education

The student assistant will work at an assigned elementary or middle school under the direction of a teacher. The student will perform a variety of tasks and will work with the younger students. The student will be expected to be in attendance daily for 90 minutes, provide his or her own transportation to and from the elementary or middle school, and be responsible for calling the assigned school when they are ill and cannot attend. The supervising elementary or middle school teacher will evaluate the student's performance to determine their grade. (This is a Pass/Fail course.) Please, see a counselor if you are interested in becoming an elementary or middle school assistant. This course may be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Assistant Teacher Elementary/Middle School Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Teacher' s Approval/Good Attendance Record/At least 2.5 Cumulative GPA
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Beginning Ceramics

This course will provide an in-depth study of ceramics using earthenware clay. Techniques may include, pinch, coil, slab, wheel throwing and glazing. Students will be encouraged to create original designs while producing useful and/or decorative objects.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Beginning Digital Photography

Beginning Digital Photography is an exciting, fast-paced course designed to expose students to a variety of digital photography projects. These projects will examine the following topics and much more: depth of field, portraiture, selective focus, composition, decisive moments, and student choice. Stu- dents will discover tips for taking exceptional photographs, while learning strategies to manipulate their photos in digital art programs. Furthermore, students will observe a variety of digital artists and photographers from around the world. At the end of this course students will gain a deeper under- standing of contemporary digital art, as well as, photography by creating a portfolio of their digitally created artwork

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Beginning Drawing

This class focuses on realistic drawings with understanding of the mechanics of light, shadow and pro- portion. This approach allows beginning students to develop technical and compositional skills to make drastic improvements in their drawing abilities and more experienced artists to refine their skills. Drawing projects are taught through various techniques such as right brain drawing, grid drawing, value gradients, portrait art, and still life. Mediums covered may include: graphite, charcoal, pen & ink, color pencil.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Beginning Metals

Students will explore various metalsmithing techniques. Cutting, forging, annealing, soldering, polishing techniques, and Glass Fusion are just a limited listing of the different techniques explored. Many of the materials and equipment used are potentially dangerous to people with health concerns like breathing disorders or motor skills disorders.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Beginning Painting

Students will develop a strong foundation in basic painting techniques, composition, and color theory. Students will incorporate the elements of art principles of design in a variety of paintings aimed at increasing the student’s artistic self-confidence.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Beginning Piano

Have you always wanted to learn to play piano? Piano class will teach you the skills on piano to impress your friends and entertain your family. The course will cover basic music theory, and notation but the emphasis will be on piano performance and technique. Students will study and perform music of various styles including classical, jazz, and popular music.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Beginning Sculpture

This course provides an opportunity for students to work with a variety of media in the development of three dimensional forms. Starting with the basic design principles, the student will apply additive, subtractive, modeling, and assemblage techniques. Media projects will include; but are not limited to: plaster, wood, paper, plaster wrap, paper mache, wire, and clay.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Beginning Steel Drum

A Steel Drum is an instrument made from a 55-gallon oil barrel that has been pounded to create a series of between 3 and 25 notes. The resulting sound is unique and beautiful. This class will teach students proper steel drum technique and style as well as a history and origins of this instrument from Trinidad. Students will be expected to participate in a few evening concerts during the semester. Students should know how to read music before joining Steel Drum Class. This course may be repeated for credit.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MU 1421
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
$20.00 and performance attire
Ability to read music
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Bel Canto – Advanced Women’s Choir

This advanced ensemble is intended to challenge a select group of women who wish to sing a high level of choral literature. Emphasis will be placed on high quality performance as well as music literacy. Repertoire will cover a broad spectrum of genres throughout musical history. Members of this ensemble will be expected to work on music outside of class time and consistently maintain the highest level of excellence. This choir participates in a national Spring Tour as well as local festivals and competitions. This course may be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MU2020A - MU2020B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
$20.00 and Bel Canto uniform
Audition Only
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Belay On

This class features Longmont High School’s 30-foot indoor vertical climbing wall. This course promotes learning through group interaction, cooperative teamwork and creative problem solving. Activities are designed to promote growth in self-confidence, self-esteem, mutual support skills and the ability to overcome personal obstacles. A Parent Permission form and Student Safety Contract are required for participation.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
A passing grade in Adventure Bound and/or meet prerequisite safety skills and techniques needed for Top Rope Climbing, must be confirmed prior to registration via instructor
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This laboratory science course includes the following topics: cellular biology, biochemistry, patterns of inheritance, natural selection, ecology, diversity of life, homeostasis and human systems. Students will design, conduct, evaluate, and communicate about scientific investigations.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
SC1120A - SC1120B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Blue Band

Blue Band is for advanced band students who wish to play challenging band literature. This class requires hard work and dedication and students will be rewarded with a wonderful musical experience. Students will perform at solo/ ensemble festivals, concert band festivals, two spring concerts and high school graduation. Auditions will be held early fall. Students must own or purchase Foundations For Superior Performance book for their instrument. This class is offered only spring semester and may be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Audition Only
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Business Computer Applications

This course is designed to prepare students for their education and their careers by exposing each student to formal letter writing, interviewing, Microsoft Office, teamwork, organization, research and general business etiquette. This class teaches students how to be a full participant in the global business world.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
CTE 9015
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
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Business Economics

In Business Economics, a project-based business course, students expand their understanding that businesses are influenced by external factors that are often beyond their control. Consumer spending, government policies, economic conditions, legal issues, and global competition are addressed through practical, current applications to everyday societal and business life. Decision matrices are introduced, and the importance and costs of quality are stressed. Students develop their knowledge and skills in such areas as economics, entrepreneurship, operations, and professional development. Throughout the course, students will be presented with current economic problems for which they are asked to determine solutions, often through the application of decision matrices.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Principles of Business
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Business Internship

The High School of Business™ Internship requirement provides students the opportunity to see first-hand how business executives function, interact, and put into use the concepts taught in the High School of Business™ program and academic courses. Students are required to observe a high-level business executive (vice-president, sr.-level marketing manager, certified financial planner, sales manager. etc.) for a minimum of 40 hours with an additional 20 hours of documented work on their final project. The observation should take place during the student's senior year or the summer preceding. Students keep a daily journal describing their experiences. Each student summarizes their experiences in a short oral presentation to the class. The internship gives students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience related to their career goal. This environment helps the student apply skills acquired in the classroom in the workplace.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
CTE 9050
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Principles of Business, Business Economics, Principles of Marketing, and Principles of Finance
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Business Strategies

Business Strategies serves as the capstone course for the High School of Business™ program. Students employ their decision matrices to finalize marketing , financial, and management plans developed previously, incorporating them into a business plan for a non-profit organization. The non-profit venture is actualized during the course, requiring students to engage in risk assessment, strategic planning, and performance assessment.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
CTE 9116
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Principles of Business, Business Economics, Principles of Marketing, Principles of Finance, and Principles of Managemen
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Chamber Singers

This group of men and women is an advanced ensemble devoted to performance at the highest level. The ensemble performs at school functions as well as in the community. Emphasis will be placed on high quality performance as well as music literacy and an advanced level of choral literature. Repertoire will cover a broad spectrum of genres throughout musical history. Chamber Singers is a demanding ensemble that requires concurrent enrollment in either Bel Canto or Orpheus. The course is intended to meet the needs of serious musicians who are seeking to extend their knowledge of choral singing through rigorous rehearsals of challenging choral literature. Members of this ensemble will be expected to maintain the highest level of work ethic during rehearsals in class and at home. Performances must consistently maintain the highest level of excellence. This choir participates in a national Spring Tour as well as local festivals and competitions. This course may be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MU2035A - MU2035B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
$20.00 and Chambers uniform
Audition only. Concurrent enrollment in Bel Canto or Orpheus is required.
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This laboratory science course is designed for students who plan to pursue either non-science or science-related careers. Students study matter, change and energy, scientific measurement, problem solving, chemical names and formulas, chemical quantities, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, states of matter, behavior of gasses, atomic structure, chemical periodicity, ionic and covalent bonds, water and aqueous systems, properties of solutions, reaction rates and equilibrium, acids and bases and their salts. Students will engage in a variety of learning activities including labs, hands-on activities, discussions, lectures, and videos.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
SC1130A - SC1130B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
Biology, Algebra 1
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Color Guard

Have you ever wanted to throw a rifle or swing a flag? This class is for you! The color guard is a vital component of the marching band. This group will perform at various competitions and festivals around Colorado as well as home football games and parades. Color guard does require weekly rehearsals outside of class. Color guard is a competitive unit and attendance at performances and rehearsals is mandatory. Color guard students are required to attend band camp during the first week of August and some additional rehearsals. This is a one-semester class and is offered first semester only. This course may be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Computer Graphics

Introduces students to the basic theory and concepts of visual communication used to present information and promote a message. Students must have a previous understanding of the elements and principles of design. Skills taught may be typography, image development, layout, scanning images, manipulating photographs, and creating digital artwork. Students will be exposed to the Adobe Suite of graphics programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Class projects may include: logo design, poster design, brochure design, and packaging design. Students will be graded on their use of elements and principles of design, originality, workmanship, and technical proficiency in each project undertaken.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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CP English 11

An advanced and rigorous college preparatory survey of American Literature, this course concentrates on the thorough analysis of American fiction, poetry and nonfiction. Building on skills and strategies introduced in 9th and 10th grade, students will use increasingly sophisticated reading strategies and writing conventions to read and analyze literary selections, to write papers, and to compose timed essays. This advanced course requires students to practice research techniques through various formative assignments and to prepare at least one full-length research paper. 

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
LA1131A -LA1131B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Honors English 10 or English 10
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CP English 12

This course is highly recommended for students preparing to continue their education in college. The intent is to prepare students to demonstrate the writing, literacy, and critical thinking skills that will be demanded of them in college. The rigorous course emphasizes the study of world literature within its cultural context, independent readings, literary analysis, research, and language study (grammar). Students will be expected to read the material outside of class, to participate actively in class discussions, to complete daily assignments or overnight responses, to take examinations, to complete college-type papers, and to do independent work. During the second semester of this course, students will produce a college-level research project.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
LA1141A– LA1141B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
CP English 11 or AP Language and Composition
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CP US Government/ CO Government

This accelerated course explores in depth the dynamics of the political system in the United States. It is designed as a class to prepare and enhance student’s ability to become active participants in society. They will study local, state, and national issues with current events of the past and present that would possibly impact their influence in the future. There is extensive reading and writing that is required as well as civic service responsibilities. This class is designed for the highly motivated social studies students who are active in debates, discussions as well as offering reading and writing skills.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
SS1333A - SS1333B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 Credit
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This introductory course is designed to give students creative experience in 2D and 3D art while learning the elements and principles of design that makes crafts successful. Class projects may include batik, drawing, handmade boxes, mixed media collage, painting, polymer clay, printmaking, and weaving. Students are graded on their use of the principles and elements of design, their craftsmanship, and their technical proficiency in each project. Students will be able to choose between one day or multiple day projects.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Creative Writing

Creative Writing / Students who take Creative Writing will gain experience in writing close description, poetry, dialogue, short stories and drama. This course includes exercises in sensory description, characterization, word choice, simile and metaphor, and suspense. Students will also read numerous models of good writing from both student and professional writers. The overall goal of this course is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to create original and inviting pieces of writing in a number of genres. Students who take Creative Writing must be comfortable with constructive criticism and with sharing their writing with classmates on a regular basis.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
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Participation Fee (subject to SVVSD requirements and subject to change) This course is designed for students who want to develop their potential in competitive public speaking. Options for students include oral interpretation, debate, extemporaneous speaking, student congress, and original oratory. These units emphasize critical thinking skills, research writing, and persuasive speaking. *Students are required to compete in two events sanctioned by the Colorado High School Activities Association.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
PA3020A - PA3020B
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Digital Electronics I (Technology 2)

In this class, students will explore the world of digital electronics through breadboard circuits, soldering circuits, and programming electronics. Arduino and Raspberry Pi will be the primary hardware and software used for projects. This class will culminate in a student-led “hackathon” solving problems related to the semester’s theme. Throughout the class, students will be exposed to technical drawing, keeping a design notebook, problem solving techniques, coding, and basic circuitry.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Introduction to Engineering, Algebra 1 (passed with a C)
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Digital Electronics II (Technology 3)

This course propels students’ learning further into the world of Electrical Engineering and manufacturing technologies. Students will work in teams to prepare printed circuit boards (PCBs) for production and assembly. Students will have the opportunity to create, manufacture, and test the technologies used in Introduction to Engineering, Engineering Design I, and Introduction to Robotics.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Digital Electronics II
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Education Exploration (Mead High School)

Education Exploration is a semester-long course designed to provide students with an overview of professions within the field of education. Students will explore the many varied careers in education including teacher, administrator, counselor, and district personnel to name a few. Guest speakers will enhance the understanding of classroom planning, licensure requirements, and career opportunities within school systems. This course includes a minimum of 15 extended learning hours, which may occur outside of class time. This course is an ideal segway into the district’s P-Teach program, where prospective educators can earn college credit.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
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Engineering Design (Technology 1)

In this class, students learn to create and represent objects with 3D modeling software. Projects start from a product design, and will end with a tangible creation of the 3D model (using 3D printing, machining, etc.) Throughout this class, students will be exposed to technical drawing, industry design standards, 3D modeling, and manufacturing processes.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Introduction to Engineering
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English 10

This course is designed to build upon the skills gained in English 9. Students will practice grade level reading and writing competencies with increased understanding of literary and informational texts. Stu- dents will also sharpen their writing skills in such areas as the eleven-sentence paragraph structure, expanding into extended essay writing. Good work habits and regular homework are essential parts of this course.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
LA1120A - LA1120B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Honors English 9 or English 9
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English 9

This entry-level course is designed to provide a smooth transition into the high school English program. Building upon previous core language arts skills, students will practice effective grade-level reading, writing, speaking and listening for a variety of purposes using a variety of skill-building strategies. For success in the course, students are required to consistently display good work habits and should expect regular homework assignments.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
LA1110A - LA1110B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
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Fall Concert Band

Fall Concert Band is a fall class dedicated to the concert band experience. Fall Concert band will rehearse music of various genres in both a full ensemble and chamber setting. Emphasis is placed on technique and fundamentals. Students will per- form in two fall concerts. Students must own or purchase Foundations For Superior Performance for his or her instruments. This course is offered only Fall semester and may be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Fitness I

Students will learn to develop high self-esteem, confidence, and competence through a variety of physical activities through use of the weight room machines and free weights. Activities primarily include weight training, resistance training, plyometrics, interval training, and circuit training. Students will learn how to apply the 5 components of fitness, training principles, and human anatomy to personalized workouts. Students will also learn how to live a happy and healthy lifestyle through exercise, proper nutrition, and self-advocacy.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
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Fitness II

Students will continue to develop high self-esteem, confidence, and competence through a variety of physical activities. Activities primarily include weight training, resistance training, plyometrics, interval training, and circuit training. Students will continue to learn how to apply the 5 components of fitness, training principles, and human anatomy to personalized workouts. Students will also learn how to live a happy and healthy lifestyle through exercise, proper nutrition, and self-advocacy.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
A passing grade in Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I (Upperclassmen)
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Forensic Science

This laboratory science course is designed for students who are interested in forensic science. In this course students gain experience in the major investigative techniques currently used by forensic scientists and crime scene investigators, and develop an understanding of the scientific concepts which serve as the basis for these techniques. Students will use scientific processes and critical thinking skills to analyze physical evidence through hands-on labs, activities and case study readings. Some of the topics to be covered include: crime scene documentation, forensic serology, bloodstain pattern analysis, fingerprinting, document examination techniques, DNA analysis, and forensic anthropology.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Biology and Chemistry (10th grade MBSA students may take this course concurrently with Honors Chemistry)
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Forensic Science

This laboratory science course is designed for students who are interested in forensic science. In this course students gain experience in the major investigative techniques currently used by forensic scientists and crime scene investigators, and develop an understanding of the scientific concepts which serve as the basis for these techniques. Students will use scientific processes and critical thinking skills to analyze physical evidence through hands-on labs, activities and case study readings. Some of the topics to be covered include: crime scene documentation, forensic serology, bloodstain pattern analysis, fingerprinting, document examination techniques, DNA analysis, and forensic anthropology

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
.5 Credit
Course Fee
Biology and Chemistry, can be taken concurrently with Physics
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FRC ENG 1021 English Comp I

Emphasizes the planning, writing, and revising of compositions, including the development of critical and logical thinking skills. This course includes a wide variety of compositions that stress analytical, evaluative, and persuasive/argumentative writing.

*This course is a Concurrent Enrollment (CE) course through FRCC and is 3 college credits. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category.

*Additional steps required for the student to complete in order to sign up for the CE FRCC credit

*Students that have a 504 or IEP, are entitled to FRCC accommodations with no further steps to be taken. If a student needs accommodations above and beyond the standard FRCC accommodations, the student will need to complete an intake appointment with FRCC Disability Support Services.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
English 11 or higher
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FRC ENG 1022 English Comp II

Expands and refines the objectives of English Composition I. Emphasizes critical/logical thinking and reading, problem definition, research strategies, and writing analytical, evaluative, and/or argumentative compositions.

*This course is a Concurrent Enrollment (CE) course through FRCC and is 3 college credits. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO2 category.

*Additional steps required for the student to complete in order to sign up for the CE FRCC credit.

*Students that have a 504 or IEP, are entitled to FRCC accommodations with no further steps to be taken. If a student needs accommodations above and beyond the standard FRCC

accommodations, the student will need to complete an intake appointment with FRCC Disability Support Services.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
FRC ENG 1021 English Comp I
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FRC MAT1340 College Algebra

Focuses on a variety of functions and the exploration of their graphs. Topics include: equations and inequalities, operations on functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, linear and non-linear systems, and an introduction to conic sections. This course provides essential skills for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

*This course is a Concurrent Enrollment (CE) course through FRCC and is 3 college credits. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category.

*Additional steps required for the student to complete in order to sign up for the CE FRCC credit

*Students that have a 504 or IEP, are entitled to FRCC accommodations with no further steps to be taken. If a student needs accommodations above and beyond the standard FRCC accommodations, the student will need to complete an intake appointment with FRCC Disability Support Services.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Algebra 2, Trig
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French 1

Bienvenue (Welcome) to the French-speaking world. Areas of study will include communication skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). Using these skills, students will be able to interact with others as they learn about each other’s families, activities, likes and dislikes, and more. Students will learn to order food in restaurants and make dates with friends. Through film, song, reading, and discussion, students will begin to compare and contrast francophone cultures to our own.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
World Languages
Course Number
WL1101A - WL1101B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
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French 2

As the study continues knowledge of the French language and culture will expand and deepen. The everyday language and survival skills will broaden to include the skills needed to visit the homes of others, to ask for and give directions, to ask for and give opinions and much more. Personal communication skills will allow one to have more meaningful conversations with others. The classes will continue to work on many projects, both on and off iPads, that will help showcase emerging language skills.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
World Languages
Course Number
WL1102A - WL1102B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
French 1
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French 3

After two courses of study, language skills are ready to take off. This class will continue to polish communication skills through sophisticated language use. As with other courses, grammar study will continue and linguistic skills will broaden to include discussions of personal styles, career choices, and opinions, just to name a few topics. Special projects will be assigned that will provide students with chances for real communicative opportunities.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
World Languages
Course Number
WL1103A - WL1103B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
French 2
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French 4

After three courses of study, students are ready to immerse themselves in the French language. French 4 will be conducted in French whenever possible. Short stories will continue and students will read their first novel. Structures and vocabulary will continue to be taught and practiced. A cultural journey will take students to many of the other Francophone nations. There will be varied and interesting opportunities for students to practice and showcase their language skills.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
World Languages
Course Number
WL1104A - WL1104B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
French 3
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French 4

This course continues the development of the student’s acquired abilities from French 1, 2 and 3, especially in listening comprehension and conversational skills in French. Students will continue to work on the five standards (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) through daily practice, with other students, the teacher and internet activities. Television and multimedia will be used to enhance student learning and to encourage more engagement with the language and culture. The students will read short prose stories and poetry written by French-speaking authors. There will be more use of French-speaking music for listening comprehension and translation practice. The goal is to use the target language 90% of the time, helping the student achieve fluency, which is the goal of the course.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
WL1104A - WL1104B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
AP Exam Fees
French 3A and 3B
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Geometry focuses on three critical areas: (1) exploring congruence, similarity, and right-triangle relationships; (2) developing proof using constructions and coordinate geometry; (3) using area and volume to model and solve problems. These concepts and associated skills are aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards for mathematics, incorporating 21st century skills and postsecondary and workforce readiness competencies.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10
Course Subject
Course Number
MA1210A - MA1210B
Course Duration
2 Semester
Course Credit
Accelerated Algebra 1 or Algebra 1
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Guitar 1

Ever wanted to learn guitar or play in a band, but have little to no musical experience? Here’s your chance to bring out that inner rock star. In this course, students will concentrate on basic guitar performance techniques. They will learn varying guitar styles including Classical, Blues, and Rock. Students will learn how to read and write musical notation, chord symbols, and tablature as well. Upon completion of this class students will be able to perform three chord Blues and Rock progressions, simple melodies, finger picking techniques, and various chord progressions to popular songs. Students will be expected to participate in an “in-class” recital at the end of the semester. Guitars are provided, or students can use their own (on approval), and electric guitars are welcome (without amplification). Students must own or purchase Essential Elements for Guitar Book 1.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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The St. Vrain Valley School District health curriculum is designed to provide all students with essential learning that will promote a healthy lifestyle and optimal wellness. The expectation is that the coursework and assignments will assist students in making informed decisions regarding behaviors that affect the various aspects of health and wellness.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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High School Core P.E.

This class is designed to give students the opportunity to improve personal fitness and participate in a variety of team and dual sports. Students will learn the basic rules and skills for the following possible activities: softball, soccer, basketball, volleyball, flag football, Ultimate Frisbee, golf, table tennis, badminton, pickleball, fitness/conditioning and weight training. Emphasis will be placed on participation and skill development.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
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Honors Algebra 2

Honors Algebra 2 focuses on three critical areas in greater depth: (1) analyzing and using polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; (2) modeling sequences and series with recursive and explicit functions; and (3) making statistical inferences from data. Students also have the opportunity to study matrices to solve multivariable systems of equations, the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, the binomial theorem, rational and radical functions, properties of logarithms, and conic sections.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MA1412A - MA1412B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Honors Geometry
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Honors Biology

This academically rigorous blended learning laboratory science class is designed for students who excel in science and are college-bound. This course includes the following topics: biochemistry, cellular biology, patterns of inheritance, natural selection, ecology, diversity of life, homeostasis and human systems. Students will design, conduct, evaluate, and communicate about scientific investigations. This laboratory science class presents the student with opportunities for exploratory, open-ended scientific investigations. Success in Honors biology will require work outside the classroom.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
SC1121A - SC1121B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Honors Chemistry

This rigorous laboratory science course is designed for students who excel in science and are college-bound. Students study matter, change and energy, scientific measurement, problem solving, chemical names and formulas, chemical quantities, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, states of matter, behavior of gases, atomic structure, chemical periodicity, ionic and covalent bonds, water and aqueous systems, properties of solutions, reaction rates and equilibrium, acids and bases and their salts. Students will engage in a variety of learning activities including labs, hands-on activities, discussions, lectures, and videos. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 4 college semester credits.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
SC1135A - SC1135B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
Honors Biology, Algebra 1
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Honors English 10

A comprehensive study of language arts, this rigorous course concentrates instruction on the thorough analysis of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. Building on strategies introduced in 9th grade, students will use increasingly sophisticated reading strategies and writing conventions to read literary selections, to write papers, and to compose timed essays. In addition to being taught at a faster pace than regular English 10, this course places a very strong emphasis on literary analysis in order to prepare students for future honors English classes, and, ultimately, for advanced study of English literature and language. A year-long vocabulary program will help students prepare for the PSAT and SAT tests. Students will also read one or two independent novels to which they will respond in depth. Good work habits and regular homework are essential parts of this course.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
LA1121A - LA1121B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 Honors Weighted Credit
Honors English 9 or English 9
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Honors English 9

Faster paced and more rigorous than English 9, this class provides a pre-Advanced Placement level integrated study of literature, composition, grammar, vocabulary and research. Using increasingly sophisticated reading strategies, students will respond to texts through higher level critical analyses and compositions. Concentrated instruction focuses on the thorough analysis of fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry, ultimately preparing students for advanced study in English literature and language. Consistent completion of daily homework assignments is an essential part of the course, and necessary for student success.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
LA1111A - LA1111B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 Honors Weighted Credit
A grade of B or better in Middle School LA and Middle School Teacher Recommendation
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Honors Geometry

Honors Geometry focuses on three critical areas in greater depth: (1) exploring congruence, similarity, and right-triangle relationships; (2) developing proof using constructions and coordinate geometry; (3) using area and volume to model and solve problems. Students also have the opportunity to study advanced geometric constructions, proving advanced properties of triangles and quadrilaterals, the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines, and area and volume relationships among similar figures.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10
Course Subject
Course Number
MA1213A - MA1213B
Course Duration
2 Semester
Course Credit
1 Honors Weighted Credit
Accelerated Algebra 1
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Honors United States History

This accelerated and in depth course covers the political, social and economic history of the United States from 1860 to the present. Extensive reading and writing is required. Students will write one scholarly essay per semester using peer reviewed sources. Reading materials include but are not limited to a textbook, primary source book and readings from an array of historical sources. This class is designed for the highly motivated social studies student with excellent reading, writing and technological skills.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
SS1221A - SS1221B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 Honors Weighted Credit
Teacher recommendation
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Honors World Geography/History

World Studies is an accelerated, in-depth study of the world. The focus will be significant events throughout world history incorporating literature, primary sources, cultural stories and nonfiction articles as a base. Students will be required to not only keep current on world affairs, but also to discuss events as they happen. Students will write a series of papers from smaller Claim-Evidence-Reasoning analysis to larger research papers. Assessments will be based on the district standards and students will primarily be assessed using a variety of higher-level thinking skills. While district standards will be employed for this course, students will go above, beyond and in depth for each area studied.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
SS1111A - SS1111B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 Honors Weighted Credit
Teacher Recommendation
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Independent Studies

Independent Study may be coordinated through the Counseling Office when extenuating circumstances do not allow the student to take the class as scheduled. Students must obtain written approval from the principal, counselor, and instructor. Independent Study courses will NOT take the place of core graduation requirements, AP courses or World Language courses. In order to earn credit in a course taken through the independent study option, a student must be under the supervision of a teacher. The student must have successfully completed a minimum of 60 hours (as verified by the instructor) of class work for .5 credits, or have completed a minimum of 120 hours for 1.0 credit. An Independent Study Application, available through the Counseling Office, must be completed, with all required signatures, prior to the semester in which the student plans to take a course via independent study. Independent study students will be graded on a pass/fail basis.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Independent Studies
Course Number
Course Duration
60 hours contact time in the teacher’s classroom
Course Credit
Course Fee
Varies depending course
Application Process, Principal and Instructor Approval
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Intermediate Algebra

Intermediate Algebra focuses on three critical areas: (1) reinforcing linear, exponential, and quadratic functions from Algebra 1 in modeling contexts; (2) using mathematical models to solve problems related to consumer math and personal finance; and (3) using the rules of probability and descriptive statistics to solve problems. Intermediate Algebra is a bridge to Algebra 2, focusing on preparing students for the key mathematics concepts and skills on college entrance exams for postsecondary readiness.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
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Intermediate Drawing

This course covers more advanced skills not possible at the beginning level. Experimentation in additional drawing materials and techniques are covered such as perspective drawing, physical anatomy, figure drawing, pastels, pen and ink.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Intermediate Jazz Band (Jazzology)

Also known as “Jazzology,” the intermediate jazz ensemble is a performance-oriented class, and students will be required to attend all rehearsals and performances. It is required to be registered for Fall Band and either Blue or White band to be a member of the Intermediate Jazz Ensemble. Students will learn the basic “Swing” jazz style, as well as the art of improvisation. There will be several performances throughout the year, and may include participation in local jazz festivals. This course may be repeated for credit. Students are required to purchase a jazz band uniform.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MU1202A - MU1202B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
$20.00 and Jazz band uniform
Concurrent enrollment in Fall band or a concert band (White/Blue Band).
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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly evolving field that is quickly transforming our society. This introductory class will explore this new and growing field by exploring the question of what intelligence is and how people and machines can learn; the importance of data to AI; the use of hardware to create a Smart environment; and the ethics challenges we face in an increasingly connected world. We will explore the many facets of AI needed to understand and succeed in the modern world including: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Collection/Processing, Use of Algorithms, and Ethics. Some experience with programming and/or robotics is helpful.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Introduction to Biotechnology

Introduction to biotechnology is a course designed to give students a comprehensive introduction to the scientific concepts and laboratory research techniques currently used in the field of biotechnology. Students attain knowledge about the field of biotechnology and deeper understanding of the biological concepts used. In addition, students develop the laboratory, critical thinking, and communication skills currently used in the biotechnology industry. Furthermore, students will explore and evaluate career opportunities in the field of biotechnology through readings, laboratory experiments, class discussions, research projects, and guest speakers.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Biology/Honors Biology and Chemistry/Honors Chemistry (10th grade MBSA students may take this course concurrently with Honors Chemistry)
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Introduction to Biotechnology

Introduction to biotechnology is a course designed to give students a comprehensive introduction to the scientific concepts and laboratory research techniques currently used in the field of biotechnology. Students attain knowledge about the field of biotechnology and deeper understanding of the biological concepts used. In addition, students develop the laboratory, critical thinking, and communication skills currently used in the biotechnology industry. Furthermore, students will explore and evaluate career opportunities in the field of biotechnology through readings, laboratory experiments, class discussions, research projects, and guest speakers.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
.5 Credit
Course Fee
Biology/Honors Biology and Chemistry/Honors Chemistry
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Introduction to Computing I

This course will introduce students to App Development, Operating Systems, Software Development and Programming (in Python languages). Students will be engaged in Computational Thinking, Design Systems, and Problem-Solving practices to take advantage of the processing power of computing devices.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Currently taking or have completed Algebra 1 or Accelerated Algebra 1; Preferably Introduction to Programming I
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Introduction to Engineering

In this class, students work in teams to research, design, and create a solution to several open-ended engineering challenges. Hands-on projects are chosen by students and could include topics like environmental friendliness, inventions and innovations, mass production, biotechnology, structural problems, and many more.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Introduction to Game Design

Game Design combines problem-solving techniques with computer game design and implementation to introduce the student to basic gaming and computer science concepts. Students design, implement, and test computer games using software that allows for basic game creation through a wide variety of game creation tools.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
: Introduction to Computing I or Introduction to Programming I
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Introduction to Health Care Foundations

This course is an introductory class and establishes the foundation for students in the Medical and BioScience Academy (MBSA) at Longmont High School. Introduction to Health Care Foundations is designed to familiarize students with the various careers in the medical professions. Students will learn skills necessary for their healthcare career pathway including: working with others, communication skills, legal and ethical responsibilities, cultural considerations in the healthcare industry, problem solving, decision making, accepting personal responsibility and self- management.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Accepted into the Medical and BioScience Academy
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Introduction to Programming I

Introduction to Programming I introduces students to the basics of programming through a series of Javascript programming projects that encourage creativity and experimentation. Students create a diverse portfolio of projects as they learn commands and functions, values and variables, modular and object-oriented programming, and iterative and incremental models.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Introduction to Robotics

In this class, students will develop an understanding and skills in the basics of robotics. Students will work in small groups to design, build, and program robots to complete various challenges, from Spheros to VEX. Throughout the class, students will be exposed to technical drawing, keeping a design notebook, problem solving techniques, and professional presentation creation.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Computer Science
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Introduction to Engineering
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Invasion & Field Games

This class will include sports and activities where one team is trying to score on another team by invading their opponent’s territory to score points. The student will learn the fundamental skills and basic rules and strategies needed to play the game. This class will include but is not limited to the following activities: Basketball, Soccer, Flag football, Ultimate Frisbee, and Softball.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I
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Ironworks I

This class is designed to teach basic weight lifting techniques. It will incorporate free weights and weight machines. General fitness, agility and plyometric workouts are also included. This course may be taken TWO times per school year.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I
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Ironworks II

This is an intermediate-level course designed to familiarize students with more advanced weight lifting techniques. It will include emphasis on weightlifting, flexibility, running technique, agility, and speed training. This level course is strenuous; therefore, students must have a strong desire to increase overall body fitness and composition.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Ironworks I and Teacher/Coach approval
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Leadership, a project-based leadership course, develops student understanding and skills in such areas as communication skills, emotional intelligence, operations, and professional development. Students acquire an understanding and appreciation of the need for leadership skills. To encourage immediate implementation of leadership skills, Leadership utilizes an on-going service-learning project for course delivery and reinforcement. The course content is sequenced for students to identify, plan, implement, and evaluate a service-learning project based on the needs of their community/school. Throughout the course, students are presented problem-solving situations for which they must apply academic and critical-thinking skills. Formal reflection is an on-going component of the course.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Library Assistant Aide

Student Library Assistants are integral in the daily maintenance and organization of the LHS library. Assisting in the library provides a student with genuine work experience in a safe learning environment. Students who are interested in working in the library complete an application form that lists library duties. Good attendance and a minimum 2.5 GPA are required. Library Assistant Aide is a Pass/Fail course and can be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Library Assistant Aide
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Application process
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Lifetime Activities

Emphasis will be on total body conditioning. This class will incorporate a variety of workout styles and will also have an emphasis on individualized physical activities that can be carried out for a lifetime. Aerobic exercise will include aerobic step, circuit training, kickboxing, interval training, fitness walking, jogging, yoga, and Pilates. Activities include but are not limited to tennis, golf, pickleball, ping pong, jump rope, juggling and backyard games. This course may be taken TWO times per school year.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
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Marching Band

The Trojan Marching Band has been the cornerstone of the band program since 1922. The goal of the marching band is to perform music at the highest level possible and have fun at the same time. Students will hone their skills on band instruments with emphasis on technique and fundamentals. The marching band will prepare an entertaining field show and per- form at football games, parades and festivals around Colorado. In October, the marching band becomes a concert band and will perform a Halloween concert and a winter concert in December. Attendance at performances is required. Band students are required to attend our band camp during the first week of August. Be a part of this outstanding tradition! This is a one semester class and is offered first semester only. This course may be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Mariachi Band

This course is designed for students who want to learn to play an instrument used in mariachi. Little or no prior experience is required for this course. Instruments taught in this class include guitar, vihuela, and guitarron. Trumpet, violin, and vocal students that are beginners are encouraged to enroll in an orchestra, band or choir class to learn the basic music fundamentals. Basic music fundamentals include music reading, rhythm, and technique development needed for each instrument. Students are eligible to participate in some campus concert venues. Music of all mariachi genres is explored.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MU1411A - MU1411B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
, but music experience is strongly encouraged
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MBSA Aspire (Guided Study Hall)

This guided study hall course is designed specifically for MBSA students to receive extra academic support to master content in other courses. Students will develop strategies for goal setting, establishing good study habits, organization, and improving communication skills. They will also be given time in class to obtain help and complete work. Any MBSA student can enroll in this optional study hall, but this course will especially benefit students struggling to maintain the minimum GPA requirements for the MBSA program.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Teacher Recommendation; MBSA Students Only
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Medical & BioScience Academy Internship

The Medical and BioScience Academy (MBSA) Internship is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating course for qualified MBSA seniors at Longmont High School. During this internship, MBSA students will participate in 40 hours of supervised experience in a local medical or bioscience business or organization and 20 documented hours working on a research project, writing a formal poster, and presenting at a poster session in May. Students will gain hands-on experience as well as observe possible careers in the medical and bioscience field. The internship will be the capstone project to complete four years of education in the Medical and BioScience Academy.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Application & Interview Process, MBSA Students Only
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Mystery Literature

This course will provide a critical understanding of American mystery/suspense novels and films and will also provide instruction on how to write suspenseful stories. In this class we will be reading and discussing many types of mysteries including: Cozy, Amateur Sleuth, Professional Sleuth, Police Procedural, Legal/Medical, Suspense, Romantic Suspense, Historical, Mixed Genre, Private Eye, Noir, Crime, and Caper. Additionally, through its focus on the analysis of film, this class is designed to be a rigorous opportunity to develop and refine skills of observation, analysis, and writing. Offered every other year.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
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Net & Target

This class will include sports and activities where a net or a target is used. The student will learn the fundamental skills of each sport as well as the rules of the games. This class will include but is not limited to the following activities: Badminton, Tennis, Volleyball, Pickleball, Speedminton, and Disc golf.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I
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Nutrition and Wellness

The purpose of the course is to develop health-minded students with an understanding of wellness (mental, emotional, and physical) as a lifestyle, nutrition, marketing schemes, food and mood, essential nutrients and vitamins/minerals, decoding food labels and ingredients and overall best practices for feeling healthy and happy. Emphasis is placed on implementing healthy nutritional choices, developing a fitness/wellness plan, integrating science principles as related to nutrition, and practicing wise consumer decisions.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Biology/Honors Biology and Chemistry/Honors Chemistry (10th grade MBSA students may take this course concurrently with Honors Chemistry)
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Nutrition and Wellness

The purpose of the course is to develop lifelong, healthy individuals with an understanding and academic knowledge of wellness as a lifestyle, exercise and fitness, nutrition, and consumer products and services. Emphasis is placed on implementing healthy nutritional choices, developing a fitness/wellness plan, integrating science principles as related to nutrition, and practicing wise consumer decisions.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Biology/Honors Biology and Chemistry/Honors Chemistry
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Orpheus - Advanced Men’s Choir

This advanced ensemble is intended to challenge a select group of men who wish to sing a high level of choral literature. Emphasis will be placed on high quality performance as well as music literacy. Repertoire will cover a broad spectrum of genres throughout musical history. Members of this ensemble will be expected to work on music outside of class time and consistently maintain the highest level of excellence. This choir participates in a national Spring Tour as well as local festivals and competitions. This course may be repeated.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
MU2070A - MU2070B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
$20.00 and Orpheus uniform
Audition Only
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Personal Financial Literacy*

Personal Financial Literacy focuses on four critical areas: (1) designing and analyzing financial plans for short and long-term goals; (2) analyzing spending, saving, and investment options; (3) analyzing the components of credit and debt; and (4) identifying, developing, and evaluating risk-management strategies. The course emphasizes the analytical and evaluation skills to become “fiscally fit.” These concepts and associated skills are aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards for Social Studies, incorporating 21st century skills and postsecondary and workforce readiness. * Fulfills the PFL graduation requirement

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
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Physics is a laboratory science course designed for students who plan to pursue either non-science or science-related careers. The course is also designed for students planning to enter military or civilian technical schools. The course covers forces, gravity, energy, waves, electricity, and magnetism. Group-based laboratory activities will be performed with each topic to reinforce the theory of physics and scientific practices. The emphasis in this course will be on conceptual understanding rather than on mathematical analysis of data.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
SC1140A - SC1140B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
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Principles of Business

Principles of Business, a project-based business course, develops student understanding and skills in such areas as business law, economics, financial analysis, human resources management, information management, marketing, operations, and strategic management. Through the use of three projects, students acquire an understanding and appreciation of the business world. They develop a business analysis report, conduct an environmental scan of the local business community, and investigate business activities. Current technology will be used to acquire information and to complete the projects. Throughout the course, students are presented problem-solving situations for which they must apply academic and critical-thinking skills. Formal reflection is an on-going component of the course. Students may choose to participate in the CU Succeed Gold Program and earn 3 semester hours of university credit.

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Enrollment in High School of Business; Teacher approval
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Principles of Finance

Principles of Finance furthers student understanding of two specific business activities—accounting and finance—that were introduced in an earlier High School of Business™ course, Principles of Business. Through multiple projects, students make connections between accounting, with an emphasis on cash flow, and finance, with an emphasis on decision-making. Students acquire an under- standing of financial statements, calculate financial ratios, and make business decisions based on their interpretation of those financial statements and ratios. In addition, students determine business- financing options, as well as develop an appreciation for types of financial service providers and financial markets. Decision matrices are employed to aid in financial planning.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Principles of Business, Business Economics, and Principles of Marketing
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Principles of Management

Principles of Management is a project-based business course that expands student understanding of management. Students acquire an appreciation for aspects of management, such as project management, human resources management, knowledge management, quality management, and risk management. In addition, ethical and land legal considerations affecting business activities are stressed, and students develop managerial and supervisory skills through interaction with lower grade-level High School of Business™ students. Decision matrices are employed to aid in management planning

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Course Number
CTE 9115
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
Principles of Business. Business Economics, Principles of Marketing, and Principles of Finance
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Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing is a project-based business course that develops student understanding and skills in the functional areas of marketing: channel management, marketing-information management, market planning, pricing, product/service management, promotion, and selling. Students acquire an understanding and appreciation of each of the marketing functions and their ethical and legal issues. Decision matrices are employed to aid in market planning.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Course Fee
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This course offers students an opportunity to investigate human behavior and mental processes. The basic course addresses topics and issues relevant to the high school students who want to know more about the following areas: HIstory and research methods, Memory, Learning, the Brain and Psychological disorders. Public speaking is a big part of this class.

Course Information

Grade Level
11, 12
Course Subject
Social Studies
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semesters
Course Credit
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Reading Fundamentals/ Seminar

Reading courses are designed to improve college and career readiness skills by addressing reading fluency, vocabulary, comprehension of literature and informational texts, and strategies that foster independence. These courses provide opportunities to read both self-selected and teacher-directed texts in an effort to increase student motivation and engagement. They balance an online intervention with activities tailored to individual student’s needs and also focuses on helping students understand their own learning by teaching self-advocacy skills. ",LT 1105/LT1115,9

Course Information

Grade Level
Course Subject
Reading Fundamentals/ Seminar
Course Number
Course Duration
Course Credit
1 Semester each
Course Fee
Teacher Placement Only
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School-Based Enterprise

Work in the school store.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
CTE9992A- CTE9992B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
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Self-Defense & Conditioning

Students will be introduced to the basic skills of self-defense. Course will include, but not limited to, escapes from your back to your feet, defending against strikes and striking with your hands and feet. Students will participate in various training methods and be tested throughout the semester in the five components of physical fitness. This course may be taken ONE time per school year. Students may only repeat this course with instructor approval.

Course Information

Grade Level
10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Physical Education
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Core PE, Lifetime Activities, or Fitness I
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Social Media for Business

Teaches students how to use social media as a business strategy and covers how to match that strategy with the goals of the business. This course addresses current trends, ethics, regulations, legal challenges, strategy, content development, and change management. This course helps students develop a better understanding of how marketing with social media is similar to and different from traditional marketing and how to best use online methods to further business goals.

Course Information

Grade Level
9, 10, 11, 12
Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit