MBSA Students CU Pre-Health Day at Anschutz Medical Campus

On Septmeber 24th, a group of students from the MBSA program travelled to Anschutz Medical Campus for CU Pre-Health Day. During the full day experience, students took a campus tour, put their pharmacology skills to the test, attended lectures, and mingled with medical students and professionals. The presentations, geared towards high schoolers, introduced students to the fields of nursing, public health, medical anatomy, dentistry, pharmacy, and physical therapy. By the end of the day students had gained a solid understanding of the necessary steps they must take to attain each respective career.

Above: MBSA students show off their new gear and hand made sanitizer from the seminar on pharmacy.

Overall, the day nurtured curiosities, spawned ideas, and inspired students to share what they learned with all members of the Medical and BioScience Academy and the larger SVVSD community. Together they created this short video reflection about their experience.

Longmont High School