
This course is open to students interested in producing the school yearbook. Staff members must show strong skills in writing, photography, and/or graphic design. Students should have excellent attendance, be able to work well as part of a team, and be able to meet deadlines. Staff members will have the opportunity to design and produce every facet of the book in accordance with that year’s theme. Students will have the chance to learn digital photography, graphic design, and desktop publishing skills using the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite as part of the yearbook class. High standards of journalism and contemporary design will be expected. Students with prior experience or exceptional skills will be considered for positions as editors and team leaders. This class is repeatable and is considered a Practical Arts Elective. The application can be accessed at

Course Information

Course Number
LA2429A - LA2429B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
Application Process
Longmont High School