Honors English 10

A comprehensive study of language arts, this rigorous course concentrates instruction on the thorough analysis of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. Building on strategies introduced in 9th grade, students will use increasingly sophisticated reading strategies and writing conventions to read literary selections, to write papers, and to compose timed essays. In addition to being taught at a faster pace than regular English 10, this course places a very strong emphasis on literary analysis in order to prepare students for future honors English classes, and, ultimately, for advanced study of English literature and language. A year-long vocabulary program will help students prepare for the PSAT and SAT tests. Students will also read one or two independent novels to which they will respond in depth. Good work habits and regular homework are essential parts of this course.

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
LA1121A - LA1121B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1 Honors Weighted Credit
Honors English 9 or English 9
Longmont High School