Advanced Placement Macroeconomics*

AP Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are similar to a freshman level college course. The sequence is designed to give students a foundation in basic economic concepts that are essential to understanding consumer, business, and public policy decision making. Areas of study in microeconomics include the market forces of supply and demand, competition, business organization, and consumer behavior. Macroeconomics topics include measuring the health of a nation’s economy, international trade, and debate over the proper level of government interaction with the economy. In addition to providing essential knowledge for successful functioning in today’s challenging economic times, this course also prepares students for the Microeconomics and/or Macroeconomics Advanced Placement Examinations.

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
(Spring)/.5 credit
Course Fee
AP Exam Fees
Longmont High School