Advanced Placement Calculus BC

AP Calculus BC is designed for students intending to study mathematics, engineering, or the hard sciences in college. The course includes all the topics of AP Calculus AB plus series (power, Taylor, Maclaurin), convergence testing, partial fractions, improper integrals, differentiation and integration of parametric and vector relations. Students will be expected to complete all daily assignments and perform satisfactorily on examinations. Emphasis is on preparation for the AP Exam. Estimated homework time of one hour for every one hour of class time plus additional time for AP preparation

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
MA5110A - MA5110B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Course Fee
AP Exam Fees: Suggested Calculator: Graphing Calculator (TI-83 or TI-84)
Algebra 1, Geometry/Honors Geometry, Algebra 2/Honors Algebra 2, Honors Pre-Calc/Trig. or Pre-Calc/Trig, AP Calculus AB with teacher recommendation
Longmont High School