FRC MAT1340 College Algebra

Focuses on a variety of functions and the exploration of their graphs. Topics include: equations and inequalities, operations on functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, linear and non-linear systems, and an introduction to conic sections. This course provides essential skills for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

*This course is a Concurrent Enrollment (CE) course through FRCC and is 3 college credits. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category.

*Additional steps required for the student to complete in order to sign up for the CE FRCC credit

*Students that have a 504 or IEP, are entitled to FRCC accommodations with no further steps to be taken. If a student needs accommodations above and beyond the standard FRCC accommodations, the student will need to complete an intake appointment with FRCC Disability Support Services.

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
Algebra 2, Trig
Longmont High School