World Geography/History

World Studies explore timeless issues and themes through literature and history. By identifying themes and patterns students will be better able to connect the past to the present while simultaneously strengthening English Language standards. Areas of study will include the development of ancient civilizations and myths, cultural interaction and collision, revolutions and propaganda, various governmental systems, as well as current events in the world. Products from this class will include narrative and analytical essays, presentational projects, Socratic Seminars, and project-based learning and inquiry strategies. Students will develop essential skills in research, critical thinking, problem solving, reading, and writing as needed for future courses in either English or Social Studies. The course is team-taught by instructors who are passionate about teaching, learning, and instilling critical thinking skills in students to promote their understanding and awareness about the world around them.

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
Longmont High School